Taxonomy is the science of —

A. chemical compounds
Incorrect. Taxonomic classification deals with living organisms.

B. evolutionary relationships
Incorrect. The science of taxonomy puts all organisms into a family tree, which can then be used to help decide evolutionary relationships.

C. naming, describing, and classifying things
Correct! This is the correct definition for taxonomy.

D. primates
Incorrect. All organisms, including primates, have a taxonomic classification.

Which of the following characteristics is implied by this name: Sitta canadensis?

A. color
Incorrect. Although scientific names often give clues about color, this one does not.

B. region
Correct! You should have noticed the word Canada in this scientific name.

C. size
Incorrect. Although scientific names often give clues about size, this one does not.

D. behavior
Incorrect. Although scientific names can give clues about an organism’s behavior, this one does not.

The closest relative to Felis lupus is —

A. Lupus canadensis
Incorrect. The closest relative of Felis should be another species of Felis.

B. Felis concolor
Correct! The closest relative of a species is a different species in the same genus.

C. Felix lupus
Incorrect. The closest relative of Felis should be another species of Felis.

D. Lupus lupus
Incorrect. The closest relative of Felis should be another species of Felis.

A scientist discovers a rain forest plant that seems to have cancer-fighting properties. Which of the following taxonomic groups would be high priority to search, to find related plants with similar properties?

A. Plants in the same genus or family
Correct! It is likely other plants in the same family will have similar properties.

B. Plants in the same kingdom
Incorrect. This category is too broad, contains all of the plants in the world.

C. Plants in the same species
Incorrect. The organisms in this group would not provide any new information to researchers.

D. Plants in the same domain
Incorrect. This category is too broad; contains organisms that are not plants.

According to the family tree below, which group of reptiles is most closely related to Gila monsters?

A. Monitor lizards
Incorrect. The branch for monitor lizards is farther from Gila monsters than the branch for glass lizards.

Incorrect. Snakes began diverging from Gila monsters 200 million years ago.

C. Iguanas
Incorrect. Iguanas and Gila monsters last shared a common ancestor almost 200 million years ago.

D. Glass lizards
Correct! The tree shows this branch is closest to Gila monsters.