absolute value
the distance between a given number and 0 on a number line
Addition Rule
the principle that allows for the calculation of the probability of two or more mutually exclusive events occurring
alternate exterior angles
two angles lying on opposite sides of a transversal and in area outside of the lines intersecting the transversal; if the lines are parallel, then these two angles are congruent
alternate interior angles
two angles lying on opposite sides of a transversal and in the area between the lines intersecting the transversal; if the lines are parallel, then these two angles are congruent
angle-angle criterion
if two pairs of corresponding angles between two triangles are congruent, then the two triangles are similar
the measure, in square units, of the interior region of a 2-dimensional figure or the surface of a 3-dimensional figure
a relationship between two sets of data
the baseline for one direction in a coordinate system
bar graph
a graph that uses either vertical or horizontal bars to display countable data
the non-lateral faces of a prism, pyramid, or cylinder
the tendency for a survey to overestimate or underestimate a characteristic of the population
bivariate data
a set of data for two variables that are usually related
box-and-whisker plot
a graphic method for showing a summary of data using the five-number summary of data: median, lower quartile, upper quartile, maximum, and minimum
Cartesian Coordinate Plane
a four-quadrant coordinate grid with two intersecting axes
Each axis indicates a direction from a central point called the origin.
categorical data
types of data that can be divided into groups
For example, months or color are categorical. River height or elapsed time is not.
center of dilation
a coordinate point that serves as the focal point for generating a dilation
central tendency
a measure used to describe the central clustering of a set of data (e.g., mean, mode, median)
circle graph
a graphical display that divides a circle with radii into sectors that proportionally represent the parts to the total set of data
the distance around the edge of a circle
a characteristic of a data set that occurs when data values seem to be gathered around a particular value
coinciding lines
lines which are exactly the same line and fit on top of each other; the solution is a false statement without variables
complementary events
two or more mutually exclusive events that are the only possible outcomes
The sum of the probabilities of complementary events is 1.
compound event
a combination of two or more simple events
a 3-dimensional figure containing one circular base and a curved lateral surface that rises to one point opposite the base, which is called the vertex of the cone
congruence transformation
a transformation in which the image is congruent to the pre-image
consecutive exterior angles
two angles lying on the same side of the transversal outside of the lines intersecting the transversal; if the lines are parallel, then these two angles are supplementary
consecutive interior angles
two angles lying on the same side of a transversal and in the interior region of the lines intersecting the transversal; if the lines are parallel, then these two angles are supplementary
consecutive numbers
numbers that are next to each other in counting order
Examples: 1 and 2 are consecutive, -5 and -6 are consecutive, 10023 and 10024 are consecutive.  4 and 6 are not consecutive.
consistent system
a system of linear equations that has one solution or infinite solutions
continuous data
data where all numbers between any two data values are included in the solution
coordinate plane
a plane generated with a horizontal, or x, axis and a vertical, or y, axis that is used to identify the location of specific points
corresponding angles
two angles lying in the same direction from the intersection point of the transversal and each line intersected by the transversal; if the lines are parallel, then these angles are congruent
a 3-dimensional figure containing two parallel, congruent bases that are circles, which are connected by a curved lateral surface
dependent events
two or more events in which the outcome of the first event affects the outcome of the following event(s)
dependent system
a system of linear equations that has infinitely many solutions
dependent variable
the output variable of a relationship
a transformation that generates an enlargement or a reduction
discrete data
data that involve only specific values
the segment formed by the intersection of two faces in a 3-dimensional figure
a dilation of a figure that results in a larger figure; an enlargement uses a scale factor that is greater than 1
experimental probability
the ratio of the number of times an event occurs to the total number of trials
exponential decay
as the independent variable increases, the dependent variable decreases exponentially
Exponential decay is the half-life of a radioactive element.
exterior angle
an angle between an extended side of a triangle or other polygon at one vertex and the remaining side of the triangle or other polygon at the same vertex
a polygonal region that forms one planar surface of a 3-dimensional figure
the number of data items in an interval
frequency table
a table that shows how often a number, item, or range of numbers appears in a set of data
a graphical display that shows frequencies as bars
A histogram is a graphical display that shows how many data values fall into a certain interval. The width of the bar represents the interval, while the height indicates the number of data items, or frequency, in that interval.
the side of a right triangle that is opposite the right angle; also the longest side of a right triangle
a figure from a transformation
independent events
two or more events in which the outcome of the first event does not affect the outcome of the following event(s)
the set of numbers that includes the positive and negative values of all the whole numbers
Examples: -3, 0, 6, and -105 are all integers.  1.3 and -2.5 are not whole numbers.
interior angle
an angle located inside a triangle or other polygon, one at each vertex
interquartile range
a measure of variability of a data set; the difference between the first quartile and the third quartile in a data set
a continuous set of data or points
intersecting lines
lines which cross at one point
irrational number
a real number that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers; includes square roots of numbers that are not perfect squares and numbers such as π or e
lateral face
face of a 3-dimensional figure that is adjacent to a base
lateral surface area
the sum of the areas of the lateral faces or surfaces of a 3-dimensional figure
Law of Large Numbers
for experimental situations, the actual results will become closer to the theoretical results with a sufficiently large number of events
leading coefficient
the numerical coefficient of the variable with the largest power
leg of a right triangle
one of the two sides that forms the right angle in a right triangle
line graph
a graphical display that shows data values as points that are connected with line segments
Line graphs are used to show changes in variables over time.
line plot
a graphical display of data showing frequency of data on a number line
lower quartile
the boundary point separating the bottom quarter of a data set from the remaining three-quarters of the data set when the data is ordered from least to greatest
The lower quartile is also called the first quartile.
a mathematical representation of the typical value of a set of numbers, computed as the sum of the numbers in the set divided by the count of all the numbers in the set
This is commonly refered to as the "average."
mean absolute deviation
the average distance of each data value from the mean
The MAD is a gauge of “on average” how different the data values are from the mean value.
the middle value of a set of numbers when the numbers are arranged from least to greatest
The median is the mean of the two middle numbers when the set has an even amount of numbers.
the most frequent value of a set of numbers
Multiplication Rule
the principle that allows for the calculation of the probability of two or more mutually exclusive events occuring at the same time
mutually exclusive events
two or more events that cannot happen at the same time
negative linear association
a relationship between two sets of data such that as the numbers in one set increases, the numbers in the other set decreases at an almost constant rate
negative trend
a relationship between two sets of data such that as the numbers in one set increases, the numbers in the other set decrease
2-dimensional representation of a 3-dimensional figure in which all faces or surfaces are cut apart and laid flat
non-congruence transformation
a transformation in which the image is not congruent to the pre-image
non-linear association
a relationship between two sets of data such that as the numbers in one set increases, the numbers in the other set change in a non-linear but predictable way (e.g., along a curve)
ordered pair
a number pair written in (x, y) form, where x represents the input value, and y represents the output value
the point of intersection of the axes in a coordinate system
The ordered pair for this point is written as (0,0).
sum of the lengths of the edges of a polygon
point of intersection
the point at which two intersecting lines cross; the coordinates of the point of intersection represent the solutions to the two linear equations represented by the lines
a group that is being surveyed, studied, or described using data
positive linear association
a relationship between two sets of data such that as the numbers in one set increases, the numbers in the other set also increases at an almost constant rate
positive trend
a relationship between two sets of data such that as the numbers in one set increases, the numbers in the other set also increase
the original image before a transformation
a 3-dimensional figure containing two parallel, congruent bases which are polygons and are connected by faces that are parallelograms
the chance of an event occurring
The probability of an event is equal to the number of favorable outcomes divided by the number of possible outcomes.
an equation showing two ratios that are equivalent
a 3-dimensional figure containing one polygonal base and lateral faces adjoining the base that are triangles meeting at one point opposite the base, which is called the vertex of the pyramid
Pythagorean Theorem
the relationship between the lengths of the legs of a right triangle and the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle: a2 + b2 = c2
a grouping of data into quarters, when the data is ordered from least to greatest
random sample
a selected group that is chosen randomly from the population
Every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected for a random sample.
a measure of variability of a data set; the difference between the maximum and minimum values in a data set
a comparison between two different things
rational numbers
the set of numbers that can be written as one integer divided by another
Examples: 1/2, -3/-4, 3, and 0.2 are all rational numbers. π and √2 are not rational numbers.
a dilation of a figure that results in a smaller figure; a reduction uses a scale factor that is between 0 and 1
a congruence transformation that generates a mirror image of an object, without changing its size or shape
response bias
survey bias that results from creating a survey that is likely to create a particular response from the participants, including asking of leading questions or social desirability of responses
a portion of the group that is being surveyed, studied, or described
scale factor
a ratio between two sets of measurements
a graph consisting of points that demonstrates the relationship between two variables
selection bias
survey bias that results from the way that the sample is constructed, such as a sample that is not representative of the entire population
similar figures
figures that have the same shape, but not necessarily the same size; corresponding sides of similar figures are proportional
similar triangles
triangles that have the same shape, but not necessarily the same size; corresponding sides of similar triangles are proportional and corresponding angles of similar triangles are congruent
simple event
one action that occurs and is described using a probability
the difference in output values divided by the difference in input values
slope-intercept form
the y = mx + b form of a linear equation, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept
a 3-dimensional figure in which all points on the figure are equidistant from a center point
stem and leaf plot
a frequency distribution made by arranging data
surface area
the number of square units it takes to completely cover a surface
theoretical probability
the ratio of the number of favorable outcomes to the number of total possible outcomes
total surface area
the sum of the areas of all faces or surfaces of a 3-dimensional figure
a congruence transformation that moves an object, without changing its size, shape, or orientation
a line that intersects two or more lines, usually a line intersecting two or more parallel lines
trend line
a line that can be used to approximate data having a linear association
unit rate
a ratio in which the denominator is 1; a unit rate compares two quantities in such a way that one quantity is compared to 1 whole unit of the second quantity
upper quartile
the boundary point separating the top quarter of a data set from the remaining three-quarters
a set of measures used to describe how spread out a data set is (e.g., range)
Venn diagram
a circular display that pictures unions and intersections of sets
vertex of an angle
the point where two line segments, rays or lines meet to form an angle
vertex of a cone
the tip of a cone where the curved lateral surface of the cone comes to a point
vertex of a pyramid
the point on a pyramid at which all of the lateral faces meet
vertex (3-dimensional figure)
a point where two or more edges in a 3-dimensional figure meet
a measure of the amount of space an object takes up
whole numbers
the set of numbers that includes 0 and the positive counting numbers
Examples: 0, 6, 103, and 42 are all whole numbers.  1.3 and -2.5 are not whole numbers.
the point(s) where the function crosses the y-axis