1. Frogs can see in all directions, and they never close their eyes.

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2. It is too hot to leave your dog in the car; he will dehydrate.

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3. A silkworm isn’t a worm, it is actually a caterpillar.

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4. A cow has four stomachs, but they fill up very quickly.

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5. A horse can sleep standing up; it is one of the few animals that can.

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6. Cats conserve energy by sleeping, they can sleep for fourteen hours a day.

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7. Dolphins are intelligent animals, and they can even communicate.

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8. The spots that cover a giraffe have a purpose, they can act as camouflage.

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9. Wolves are the ancestors of dogs, they are part of a group of animals known as the wild dogs.

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10. Female elephants are called cows; they start to have babies when they are approximately twelve years old.

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All complete. Great job!

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