Solubility rules can be used to predict whether precipitation reactions occur.

If you only have the reactants, how will you know if you have a precipitation reaction?

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If the reactants are both ionic compounds, the reaction is most likely a precipitation reaction. Close Pop Up

Remember that precipitation reactions follow the general formula:

AX(aq) + DE(aq) → DX(aq) + AE(s)

How will you know if you have an acid-base reaction or precipitation reaction by only looking at the reactants?

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If one of the reactants looks to be an acid or a base, the reaction could be an acid base reaction. Predict the products. If one of the products is H2O, then it is most likely an acid-base reaction. However, if one of the products is a solid (insoluble ionic compound), then you have a precipitate reaction. Close Pop Up

Practice predicting reactions using the following guidelines:

  1. Predict the products.
  2. Use the solubility chart from the STAAR Resource Materials to determine if either of the products is insoluble.
  3. If the products do not form an insoluble compound, then no reaction will occur.

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