Now you will investigate and prove some conjectures about chords in a circle. Suppose you have a circle containing 2 parallel chords.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Click on the "Begin Animation" button below and look for relationships. What do you notice about the intercepted arcs?

Copy the following in your notes, filling in the blanks. Click on the blanks to reveal the answers.

The measure of the first arc is _________ and the measure of the second arc is _________ .

Conjecture: If a circle contains parallel chords, those chords intercept _________ arcs.

Now let's prove the conjecture.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Complete the following drag and drop puzzle to prove that this conjecture is true. Use the pictures to help you organize the statements and reasons in your proof. Use the Reset button to reset the puzzle if necessary.


Use circle K with parallel chords AD and BC, shown below, to answer questions 1-3.

  1. If m = 83°, what is m ? How do you know?

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    How are and related to the two parallel chords? Close Pop Up

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    m = 83° because two arcs intercepted by parallel chords are congruent, and congruent arcs have equal measures. Close Pop Up

  2. Kyoki studied circle K and wrote down several conjectures. Which of the following conjectures will always be true?
    1. ADBC
    2. AKD ≅ ∠BKC
    3. AKB ≅ ∠CKD

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    Which two arcs are intercepted by parallel chords? Close Pop Up

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    Conjectures II and IV only
    Conjecture I may or may not be true since we are not given information about the lengths of each chord.
    Conjecture III may or may not be true since central angles are not always congruent. Close Pop Up

  3. Patti measured ∠AKB with a protractor and recorded that mAKB = 78.5°. What is m? How do you know?

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    How does mAKB relate to its intercepted arc? Close Pop Up

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    m = 78.5°. ∠AKB is a central angle that intercepts , so m = mAKB = 78.5° because a central angle has an angle measure that is equal to the measure of the intercepted arc. because they are intercepted arcs of parallel chords. m = m because congruent arcs have equal measures, so m = 78.5°. Close Pop Up