In this section, you will make conjectures about chord lengths within a circle, and then use deductive reasoning to verify those conjectures.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Click on each chord below to place it in the circle. What do you notice about the chords?

Let’s use our observations to make a conjecture about two chords that would be the same length in a circle.

In your notes, complete the following conjecture.

Two chords in the same circle are congruent if they are _________.

Let's use deductive reasoning to prove it. You can have two congruent chords that are not necessarily parallel.

circle with 2 non-parallel chords

You can draw 4 radii: CE, DE, AE and BE.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Complete the following drag and drop puzzle to make a deductive argument to show congruent chords in the same circle are equidistant from the center of that circle. Use the Reset button to reset the puzzle if necessary.

Altitudes EG and EF are formed from Point E, the center of the circle, to CD and AB. Remember, that altitudes form right angles. The logical argument below proves that the altitudes are congruent.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Click each step to view the proof.

Looking at the diagram above, note that EG and EF both form 90° angles and cut the segments in half. This makes them not only medians and altitudes, but also _________.

There is more information you can prove from congruent chords. Remember, you showed that when you include the radii from the endpoints of the chords, you have isosceles triangles.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Complete the following drag and drop puzzle to discover another congruent chord relationship.

Pause and Reflect

In the first two interactives, you deductively proved the conjecture, "If two chords are congruent then they are equidistant from the center of the circle." Is the converse of this statement also true? If not, draw a counterexample.

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The converse of this statement is also true. It can be deductively shown by using congruent triangles to show that the chords, which are corresponding parts of congruent triangles must be congruent.Close Pop Up


Use circle Z, shown below, with CZ = DZ to answer Questions 1 and 2.

circle with 2 non-parallel chords
  1. If LM = 14.4 centimeters, what is PN? How do you know?

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    What do you know about the distance from each chord to the center of the circle?Close Pop Up

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    PN = 14.4 centimeters. Since CZ = DZ, CZLM, and DZPN, LM and PN are equidistant from the center of circle Z. Because LM and PN are equidistant from the center of circle Z, they are congruent chords and LMPN. Congruent segments have equal lengths, so LM = PN = 14.4 centimeters.Close Pop Up

  2. Janet studied circle Z and wrote down several conjectures. Which of the following conjectures will always be true?
    1. LMPN
    2. LZM ≅ ∠PZN

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    Since CZ = DZ, what does that reveal about the distance between the center of the circle and chords LM and PN?Close Pop Up

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    Conjectures I, II, and III only
    Conjecture IV may or may not be true since we are not given information about the distance between the center of the circle, point Z, and chords LP and MN. Close Pop Up