Very simply put, a conjecture is a hypothesis or an educated guess. It is usually based on pattern of examples or non-examples.

Look at the information given below.

These are examples of willow angles.

Two adjacent 30° angles and two; Two adjacent 35° and 25° angles; Adjacent 12° and 36° angles

Write your observations of willow angles in your notes.

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Possible Response

  1. It takes 2 adjacent angles to make a willow angle.
  2. The sum of the angles of a willow angle is 60°.
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Now let's look at some angles that are NOT willow angles.

These are NOT willow angles.

3 adjacent angles, 12°, 36°, 12°; 2 adjacent angles, 35°, 15

Do your original observations about willow angles still hold true?

Observation 1: It takes 2 adjacent angles to make a willow angle.

This is still true, since the first diagram that is NOT an example of willow angles has 3 angles.

Observation 2: The sum of the angles of willow angles is 60°.

This is still true since the second diagram shows 2 adjacent angles whose sum is 50°.

So, what conjecture could we make about willow angles?

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Possible Response

Willow angles are 2 adjacent angles whose sum is 60°. Close Pop Up

Look at the following examples and non-examples of jory angles.

m∠1 = 45°
m∠1 = 50°
m∠2 = 20°
m∠2 = 50°
m∠3 = 35°
These are NOT jory angles.
These are jory angles.
m∠1 = 40°
m∠1 = 30°
m∠2 = 40°
m∠2 = 25°
m∠3 = 20°
m∠3 = 20°
These are jory angles.
These are NOT jory angles.

Using your notes, write a conjecture about jory angles.

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Possible Response

Jory angles are 3 angles whose sum is 100°. Close Pop Up