In this lesson, you will explore slope on the coordinate plane in tables and equations to empower you to find the slope given any number of situations.

This activity might not be viewable on your mobile device.Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Use the Triangle Slope applet to collect your data and answer the following questions.

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Create triangles with the following attributes:
Point A
Point B
Point C
Slope of AB
Slope of AC
Slope of BC
Positive AB slope
Negative AB slope
Slope of AB = 0
Slope of AB = ∞

Answer the following questions.

  1. What did side AB look like when the slope was positive?
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    Leaning, high on the right and low on the left.
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  2. What did side AB look like when the slope was negative?
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    Leaning, low on the right and high on the left.
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  3. What did side AB look like when the slope was zero?
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    It was a flat or horizontal.
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  4. What did side AB look like when the slope was ∞?
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    It was a straight up and down, or vertical.
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  5. What does ∞ mean in this situation?
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    It means the slope does not exist.
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  6. Why do you think that is?
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    Let's find out!
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