As you know, the Sun is a star. It is about 100 times bigger than the Earth. The sun is considered a medium-sized star and is many thousands of times closer to the Earth than any other star.

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Source: Characteristics of the Sun, Teacher Domain

Our Sun is a yellow dwarf star. It is classified as a G star, based on its color and surface temperature. G stars have surface temperatures between 5,000 and 6,000 Kelvin. G stars' light is generated by the fusion of hydrogen into helium.

Our Sun is a main sequence star. It is considered "middle aged" and has been in existence for approximately 4.3 billion years. The Sun will most likely last another 7 billion years. After that, it will expand and become a red giant star and then shrink back down and become a white dwarf star.

Although the Sun may appear to have a solid surface, it is not solid. The Sun is made up of several different layers.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Click on the words below to learn about each layer.