a poem or series of lines in which certain letters, usually the first in each line, form a name, motto, or message
not occurring at the same time
blended approach
method of instruction that combines a regional and conceptual approach
Bloom's Taxonomy
a classification of the complexity of student thought within education
broad topics
main ideas or units of study to be covered during the course
College and Career Readiness Standards
cognitive domain
area of study relating to intellectual skills and knowledge
concept map
diagram showing relationships among concepts
conceptual approach
method of instruction that is centered on universal ideas such as physical processes, process of settlement, and population that transcend time, place, and people
an instructional theory/strategy that allows teachers to face the challenge of teaching students of various skill levels by taking diverse student factors into account when planning and delivering instruction. Based on this theory (using this strategy), teachers can structure learning environments in order to address a variety of learning styles and abilities within a classroom.
English Language Learners
English Language Proficiency Standards
completed with the help of an online instructor
Frayer Model
an adaptation of a concept map
higher order thinking skills
cognitive skills that include critical thinking, analysis, and problem solving
multiple intelligences
a theory developed by Dr. Howard Gardner about how people learn in a variety of ways. The theory stipulates that there is not a single "intelligence" but rather that there are eight intelligences: verbal-linguistic, mathematical-logical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical-rhythmic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist
Proficiency Level Descriptor
areas of the earth's surface which have similar physical or human characteristics distinctive from the characteristics of neighboring areas
regional approach
method of instruction taught through world cultural regions and interactions between and among regions
Response to Intervention - a process that schools can use to help children who are struggling academically or behaviorally. RTI is an instructional strategy for intervening early within the general education of a student, and one part in the process by which students may be identifed to receive special education and related services.
State Board of Education
an instructional method which provides a way for educators to provide support mechanisms throughout instruction to enable learners to handle complex tasks, with the eventual goal of learner autonomy
Student Expectation
completed independently
social studies strands
the eight strands used to organize the Social Studies TEKS: history, geography, economics, government, citizenship, culture, science/technology & society, and social studies skills
Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills
Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board